Taylor Maydonick - Medium, Spiritual Coach, Inspirational Speaker & Mentor


What I Do


Through my channel I assist people, like yourself, to help you find your purpose, heal what was, and make room for what will be all through my connection with the Divine. My goal is to inspire, guide, mentor, and coach others to realize that everything is possible when working within your highest power. As well, when you set goals you can, and will achieve them. There is no limits to your dreams because anything is possible.

I also assist individuals to tap into the Divine Channel learning how to sit in a place of trust, awareness, and awaken your personal potential. We are all connected, just like the waves in the ocean, are indeed the ocean. We are the Universe, and how we show up today impacts the entire consciousness at a much deeper level. The world is shaking us to Awaken us and their is no better time then now to step into this heightened awareness.

I enjoy assisting people in finding their true "divine purpose" and guiding them step by step to get there and achieve beyond belief. Being a guide for others makes my soul thrive. I live and love by all that I learn and believe everyone deserves a chance to understand life through this Awakened awareness. We are all made up of Energy, and so energy is our first language. My programs guide like minded souls just like yourself to tune into energy as you learn to use it for your highest and greatest good. Energy is our greatest resource.


Below Taylor shares more about her story and where she is currently at in her expanding spiritual journey.

(Recorded in summer of 2022)

 Guided Living

A spiritual subscription to assist you along your self discovery journey.

My purpose is to help you claim your power.
— Taylor

Spiritual Programs

Needing some guidance, healing,clarity, and coaching moving forward in your life? Looking for a course to uplift and enlighten? Ready for a transformational experience? Feeling stuck in life and wondering what is "next" for you? Struggling with Finding purpose in your life? My courses are for you! Its time to Awaken!




Five Minute Grounding

Enjoy this quick meditation, designed to support you in grounding to start your day!

Season of Shedding

This meditation connects us to our breath as we navigate through the season of letting go. Becoming aware that vulnerability is beautiful, and when we let go we create space for even greater in our lives. Just as the trees shed their leaves at this time of season, we too are learning it is ok to let go of what is no longer of our greatest good. This meditation will help you embrace transformation as we shift into a brand new season of becoming.

Want further support with guided meditation?

Check out my spiritual subscription, Guided Living, with over 70 pre recorded guided meditations to help you with pretty much anything and everything! Simply login and pick which meditation aligns with you on a daily basis. Guided Meditation at your finger tips!

 2024 Spiritual Mentorship Application

Looking to work 1:1 with Taylor? Apply for Taylors 2024 Spiritual mentorship. Each year a few individuals are chosen to work along side Taylor as she assists you in growing and becoming in your spirituality. Each course is created just for YOU!

You are the artist of your own life. Don’t give the paint brush to anyone else.
— Source unknown

Private Sessions

Although Taylor is not currently holding space for private sessions, she has worked hard to build her team filled with expertise. These beautiful souls are here to support you.


It's time to Awaken.

Connect with Taylor.